Throw a buckler at the farthest enemy within 4 hexes, dealing 1.6/2.4/3.6 (Armor & AP) magic damage. Gain 375/450/525 (AP) Shield. Cyberboss Upgrade: Throw a buckler at the farthest enemy within 4 hexes, dealing 1.6/2.4/3.6 (Armor & AP) magic damage to them and (Armor & AP) magic damage to enemies within 1 hex. Gain 375/450/525 (AP) Shield.
Your strongest Cyberboss upgrades to its final form and gains Health, Ability Power, and its ability hits more enemies.
Your team gains 10 Armor and Magic Resist. Bastions gain more. For the first 10 seconds of combat, Bastions increase their bonus by 100%.