Find a list of all the Augments in Teamfight Tactics.

A Cut Above
Gain a Deathblade. Champions holding this item have a 20% chance to drop 1 gold on kill.
Get a Support Thief's Gloves and 2 gold.
Altruist Crest
Gain an Altruist Emblem and a Riven.
Altruist Crown
Gain an Altruist Emblem, a Bloodthirster, and a Riven.
Arcanist Crest
Gain an Arcanist Emblem and a Lux.
Arcanist Crown
Gain an Arcanist Emblem, a Statikk Shiv, and a Lux.
After 15 seconds of combat, your units deal 50% more damage.
At What Cost
Immediately go to level 6. You don't get to choose your future augments.
Your champions deal 75% more damage for 1.5 seconds on every other cast.
Balanced Budget
At the start of the next 4 rounds, gain 7 gold.
Balanced Budget+
At the start of the next 4 rounds, gain 9 gold.
Band of Thieves I
Gain 1 Thief's Gloves.
Behemoth Crest
Gain a Behemoth Emblem and a Malphite.
Behemoth Crown
Gain a Behemoth Emblem, a Warmogs Armor, and a Malphite
Best Friends I
Units isolated in pairs gain 11% Attack Speed and 12 Armor at the start of combat.
Best Friends II
Units isolated in pairs gain 15% Attack Speed and 20 Armor at the start of combat.
Big Gains
Your team gains 80 bonus Health, and permanently gains 10 Health every 2 takedowns.
Big Grab Bag
Gain 3 random components, 2 gold, and 1 Reforger. Reforgers allow you to remake any item.
Binary Airdrop
Combat start: champions holding 2 items gain a recommended 3rd completed item. Gain 2 gold.
Birthday Present
Gain a 2-star champion every time you level up. The champion's cost tier is your level minus 4 (min: 1-cost).
Blinding Speed
Gain a Red Buff, Guinsoo's Rageblade, a Recurve Bow and a Magnetic Remover. Useful for Attack Carries!
Blistering Strikes
Your team's attacks burn their targets for 5% of their max Health over 5 seconds. Attacks also reduce their targets' healing received by 33%.
Blood Bank
Every 8 damage you deal to enemy tacticians gives you 2 gold. (Current: @TFTUnitProperty.item:TFT11_BloodBankDamage@)
Boiling Point
Porcelain units basic attacks restore 5 mana on hit. While boiling, basic attacks also Burn and Wound. Gain a Lux.
Branching Out
Gain a random Emblem and a Reforger. Reforgers allow you to remake any item.
Bruiser Crest
Gain a Bruiser Emblem and an Aatrox.
Bruiser Crown
Gain a Bruiser Emblem, a Bloodthirster, and an Aatrox.
Build a Bud!
Gain a random three star 1-cost unit, 0 gold, and a Completed Item Anvil.
Built Different II
Your units with no Traits active gain 250-500 Health and 40-60% Attack Speed (based on current Stage).
Buried Treasures I
Gain a random item component at the start of the next 2 rounds (including this round).
Buried Treasures II
Gain a random item component at the start of the next 3 rounds (including this round).
Buried Treasures III
Gain a random item component at the start of the next 6 rounds (including this round).
Call to Adventure
Every 2 takedowns, Storyweaver Kayle permanently gains 1 Ability Power and 10 Health. Gain a Garen and a Sivir.
Call to Chaos
Gain a powerful and random reward.
Capricious Forge
Gain a Blacksmith's Gloves, which equips two random Artifacts each round. Artifacts are more powerful items with a unique effect.
Caretaker's Ally
Gain a random 2-cost champion now. Gain the same one again every time you level up.
Caretaker's Chosen
As you level, gain more powerful items. Level 4: component anvil Level 6: completed item anvil Level 8: choose 1 of 5 Radiant items
Caretaker's Favor
Gain a component anvil when you reach level 5, 6, 7, and 8. The anvil offers 4 choices.
Clear Mind
If there are no champions on your bench at the end of player combat, gain 3 XP.
Cluttered Mind
Gain 4 random 1-cost champions now. If your bench is full at the end of player combat, gain 3 XP.
Combat Caster
Your team gains 90-170 Shield for 6 seconds after casting their Ability. The Shield amount scales with round of the game.
Component Buffet
Whenever you would get a component, gain a component anvil instead. Gain a random component. The anvil offers 4 choices.
Gain double win and loss streak gold.
Crash Test Dummies
Gain 2 Target Dummies. Combat start: Your Target Dummies launch themselves towards the largest clump of enemies and Stun them for 1.2 seconds.
Crown Guarded
Gain a Crownguard. Your Crownguards' start of combat effect is 75% stronger.
Cybernetic Bulk I
Your champions holding an item gain 200 Health.
Cybernetic Bulk II
Your champions holding an item gain 300 health.
Cybernetic Bulk III
Your champions holding an item gain 500 health.
Cybernetic Uplink II
Your champions holding an item gain 120 Health and restore 2.5 Mana per second.
Cybernetic Uplink III
Your champions holding an item gain 200 Health and restore 3.5 Mana per second.
Divine Rolls
At the start of every stage, including this one, gain 3 free rerolls + 1 for each of your Heavenly champions. Gain a Kha'Zix and a Malphite.
Dragon's Spirit
Gain a Dragon's Claw. Every time you heal 5000 Health with Dragon's Claws, gain an item component. (Current: @TFTUnitProperty.item:TFT11_Augment_DragonSpirit_HealthHealed@)
Dragonlord Crest
Gain a Dragonlord Emblem and a Janna.
Dragonlord Crown
Gain a Dragonlord emblem, a Guinsoo's Rageblade, and a Janna.
Drop Blossom!
Gain a Neeko. Your strongest Neeko's spell lasts 1 second longer, heals 50% more, and slams for 50% increased damage.
Dryad Crest
Gain a Dryad Emblem and a Gnar
Dryad Crown
Gain a Dryad Emblem, a Titans Resolve, and a Gnar.
Duelist Crest
Gain a Duelist Emblem and a Qiyana.
Duelist Crown
Gain a Duelist Emblem, a Giant Slayer, and a Tristana.
Dynamic Duo
Get a random 5-cost champion and a random champion that shares a trait with them. Get 10 gold.
En Garde!
Your Duelists start combat with 3 stacks. At max stacks, they gain 20% Omnivamp. Gain a Darius and a Yasuo.
Enter the Dragon
After the dragon strikes, Dragonlords deal 20% bonus true damage. Gain a Janna.
Now, and at the start of every stage, gain 10 XP and 3 free rerolls for that round only.
Now, and at the start of every stage, gain 14 XP and 4 free rerolls for that round only.
Escort Quest
Gain a Training Dummy. You gain 3 gold every time it survives player combat.
Ethereal Blades
Gain a Shen. Your Strongest Shen gains +3 Range and his spell does 100% increased damage.
Everything Must Go!
Your units buy and sell for 0 gold. Gain 0 gold.
Exiles I
Your units that start combat with no adjacent allies gain a 25% maximum Health shield for 10 seconds.
Fated Crest
Gain a Fated Emblem and a Kindred.
Fated Crown
Gain a Fated Emblem, a Sunfire Cape, and a Kindred.
Featherweights I
Your Tier 1 and 2 champions gain 15% Attack Speed and Move Speed.
Final Ascension
Your team deals 15% more damage. After 15 seconds, they deal 45% more damage.
Final Reserves
The first time you would be eliminated, you instead remain alive. After this happens, gain 70 XP and set your gold to 50. Excess gold is converted to XP.
Fine Vintage
Completed items left on your bench for 2 rounds transform into Support items.
Fortune Crest
Gain a Fortune Emblem and a Teemo.
Fortune Crown
Gain a Fortune Emblem, a Sunfire Cape, and a Teemo.
Fully Adapted
Gain an Adaptive Helm. Champions holding this item gain both effects, regardless of position.
Gargantuan Resolve
Gain a Titan's Resolve. Your Titan's Resolves can continue stacking to 40 instead of 25.
Ghostly Crest
Gain a Ghostly Emblem and an Shen.
Ghostly Crown
Gain a Ghostly Emblem, a Bramble Vest, and a Shen.
Gifts from the Fallen
Your team gains 3% Attack Damage, 3 Ability Power, 3 Armor, and 3 Magic Resist. Each time an ally dies, gain these stats again.
Going Long
You no longer gain interest. Gain 8 gold now. Round start: gain 4 XP. Interest is extra gold you gain per 10g saved.
Good For Something I
Champions that aren't holding items have a 34% to drop 1 gold on death.
Grim Harvest
Your Reapers gain 7% Critical Strike chance and 3% Omnivamp. They gain this bonus again every time they get a Takedown. Gain a Kindred
Harmacist I
Your team has 10% Omnivamp and converts 20% of excess healing to true damage on their next attack. (Omnivamp: healing for a percent of damage dealt)
Harmacist II
Your team has 15% Omnivamp and converts 25% of excess healing to true damage on their next attack. (Omnivamp: healing for a percent of damage dealt)
Harmacist III
Your team has 25% Omnivamp and converts 30% of excess healing to true damage on their next attack. (Omnivamp: healing for a percent of damage dealt)
Haunted House
Enemies that die while haunted by Ghostly pass 1 extra spectre to a nearby enemy. Gain a Caitlyn and a Shen.
Healing Orbs I
When an enemy dies, the nearest ally is healed for 225.
Healing Orbs II
When an enemy dies, the nearest ally is healed for 450.
Heavenly Crest
Gain a Heavenly Emblem and a Neeko.
Heavenly Crown
Gain a Heavenly Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Neeko.
Heavy Hitters
Your units with at least 1500 max Health gain Attack Damage and Ability Power equal to 0% of their max Health.
Hedge Fund
Gain 20 gold. Your max interest is increased to 10. Interest is extra gold you gain per 10g saved.
Hedge Fund+
Gain 30 gold. Your max interest is increased to 10. Interest is extra gold you gain per 10g saved.
Hedge Fund++
Gain 40 gold. Your max interest is increased to 10. Interest is extra gold you gain per 10g saved.
Help Is On The Way
After 8 player combats, choose 1 of 4 Support items.
Heroic Grab Bag
Gain 2 Lesser Champion Duplicators and 4 gold. This item allows you to copy a 3-cost or less champion.
Gain a Hand of Justice. Champions holding this item deal 11% increased damage.
Impenetrable Bulwark
Gain a Bramble Vest, a Dragon's Claw, a Giant's Belt, and a Magnetic Remover. Useful for Magic Tanks or Attack Tanks!