Strike the most enemies in a semi-circle, gaining 270/300/350 (AP) Shield for 4 seconds plus 30/50/80 (AP) per enemy hit. Deal 1.2 (AD) physical damage to enemies hit and reduce their Armor by 15/18/20 for the rest of combat.
Golden Ox gain Damage Amp and have a chance to drop gold on kill. If you spend gold on rerolls or XP in a single turn, permanently increase their Damage Amp and the gold required for the next bonus. Rerolls count double towards gold spent. (Golden Ox must have fought last round)
Slayers gain Attack Damage and Omnivamp. Overhealing heals the lowest percent Health Slayer for 50% of the excess amount.
Vanguards gain 10% Durability while Shielded. Combat start and 50% Health: Gain a max Health Shield for 10 seconds.