Passive: Gain 3 Ability Power each Attack. Active: Throw a card at the current target and next nearest target, dealing 160/240/375 (AP) magic damage. Kingpin bonus:Throw a random special card at the current target that deals 280/420/650 (AP) magic damage. Red card hits enemies in a 1-hex area. Blue card deals 0.5% of its damage as true damage. Rarely, Yellow card grants gold. Upgraded Kingpin bonus: Throw all three special cards at three nearby enemies. Red card hits enemies in a 1-hex area. Blue card deals 0.5% of its damage as true damage. Rarely, Yellow card grants gold.
Get a Kingpin hat that uniquely upgrades a Syndicate champion's ability. Syndicate champions gain Health and Damage Amp.
Your team gains 10% Attack Speed. Rapidfire champions gain more on each attack, stacking up to 10 times.