Throw a shuriken at the furthest unmarked enemy that deals 60/90/400 (AP) magic damage and marks them. Then become untargetable, teleport to them, and summon shadows on every other marked enemy. Deal 2.5/2.5/5 (AD) physical damage to adjcent enemies, while shadows deal 1.5/1.5/2.75 (AD) physical damage to adjacent enemies.
Gain Intel by losing combat, increased for loss streaks. Gain a small amount for killing enemies. You may trade your Intel for loot one time, on either round 3-3, 3-7, 4-3, or 4-7. After trading Intel, Cypher champions gain Attack Damage and Ability Power.
Slayers gain Attack Damage and Omnivamp. Overhealing heals the lowest percent Health Slayer for 50% of the excess amount.