Passive: Attacks fire 5 projectiles in a cone that deal 0.35 (AD) physical damage each. Graves casts every 2 attacks. Active: Dash next to the target and quickly fire 2 empowered shells that deal 6/9/16 + 0.4/0.4/0.45 (AD & AP) physical damage per projectile.
Golden Ox gain Damage Amp and have a chance to drop gold on kill. If you spend gold on rerolls or XP in a single turn, permanently increase their Damage Amp and the gold required for the next bonus. Rerolls count double towards gold spent. (Golden Ox must have fought last round)
Executioner Abilities can critically strike. They also gain bonus Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage. If the target's Health is below 30%, the bonus Critical Strike Damage is doubled.